Reasons to be at Goal Weight

Writing down the reasons you wish to be at your goal weight is a great tool in deciding that you're ready to make the effort to make that happen, and continue to stay at goal weight once you reach it. When you find that your motivation is failing, or the "complacency monster" comes knocking, or you get off track, you can return to those reasons and recharge your batteries.

Here are some reasons your fellow asdww'ers have for being at goal weight, in no particular order:

  1. To reduce my risk of diabetes
  2. To be able to tuck my shirt into my jeans
  3. To walk without my thighs rubbing together
  4. So my shirt sleeves won't be tight (I want skinny arms!)
  5. So I can shop in a regular store
  6. So I can wear a bikini
  7. To buy pantyhose that fit
  8. To be able to wear my old "skinny" clothes again
  9. So I can start training for a marathon
  10. So I can share clothes with my sister again
  11. To not fear the doctor's scale
  12. To have a BMI under 25
  13. I want to be slim as much as I want to be a millionaire.
  14. I want to be able to wear normal clothes and look good in them.
  15. I don't want to wobble.
  16. I want to be fit and healthy so I CAN run around with my children.
  17. I want my knees and foot to get better (they are already !!)
  18. I want people to think I look good.
  19. I don't want people thinking I look bad.
  20. I want to be able to wear jeans.
  21. I also want a BMI of 25.
  22. I want my doctor to be pleased with me.
  23. I want to be able to shop in normal shops.
  24. I want to feel normal.
  25. to get my cholesterol count down
  26. to be able to bend over to pick up things without huffing & puffing
  27. to be able to get down on the floor & play with my grandkids
  28. to once again have a neck & throat between my head & shoulders
  29. to enjoy intimacy without feeling self-conscious ** blush**
  30. to once again shop in my favorite "petite" store
  31. to feel, when I walk down the street , like people are looking at me because of the way I look at Goal, not because of the way I look now!!
  32. To be Fifty & Fabulous / not Fifty & Frumpy!
  33. So I don't have to stop and rest while walking around the mall or some event.
  34. So the narrow seats on airlines and sports events don't squeeze me.
  35. So I can fit into any restaurant booth instead of asking for a table.
  36. So I can get off of blood pressure medication and control it by eating and exercise alone.
  37. So I can wear jeans with a tucked in shirt and a cute and trendy belt...
  38. So I can wear stylish clothing...
  39. So I can feel attractive...
  40. So I don't go down the same path as my father and end up with heart disease...
  41. So I can cross my legs...
  42. So pantyhose don't rub me raw in the thighs from rubbing together...
  43. So I don't get so HOT so EASILY...
  44. To have achieved something really worthwhile for myself (ie. good health!)
  45. To be able to climb Snowdon with my bloke next year and not have him bored waiting for me to catch up!
  46. To be fit, I've always admired sporty types
  47. To get into my old clothes
  48. To have confidence wearing summer clothes
  49. To wear a bikini for the first time in my life LOL
  50. To avoid health and mobility problems in later life
  51. To stop the weight creeping up on me as it was before I decided to nip it in the bud!
  52. To get control over food instead of the other way around
  53. To be able to run and play with my younger husband and our children without
  54. being out of breath.
  55. To be able to get steady exercise without having a bad back.
  56. To be able to keep up with my family (goes with 1st reason)
  57. To be able to fit into my boxes and boxes of clothes again (that have been
  58. stored for the past 6 years)
  59. To NOT have family members and friends look at me as the fat person.
  60. To NOT hear " you have such a pretty face" ever again..unless they also say I look great for having 4 kids and being over 40.
  61. To be fit by age 41
  62. To have a flat , or somewhat flat..ok.. a flattER stomach.
  63. to FEEL sexy and feminine again.
  64. to NOT wear the baggiest and most unflattering clothes I can because they cover my body.
  65. to NOT have to hold my stomach in with my hand to shave my legs.
  66. to be able to see all of my feet when I look down and not my feet and my stomach.
  67. to NOT have my stomach and breasts be the same size.
  68. to NOT have 2 chins.
  69. to NOT have people look at me when I am in the bakery isle.. (looking for fat/free and sugar free baked goods)
  70. to have other men look at me and see me as a woman even tho I am happily attached to my husband.
  71. to be able to wear heels again because my legs won't be too big for my feet.
  72. to NOT have to hide behind my kids during pictures.
  73. to NOT have to have pictures taken from above to hide my "underchin".. and many other reasons
  74. most of be the weight God intended me to be before the pain of childhood, high school and the hormone changes of bearing children molded my habits and body into something it wasn't meant to be..:)
  75. so my husband and I can make love with him on top.
  76. so I can tie my shoes and not have to open my pants and get out of breath
  77. so I can cut my own toenails.
  78. so I don't have horrible heat rash under my tummy.
  79. so when my best friend and I go shopping we can go to the same department instead of a trip to Misses for her and Woman's for me.
  80. so I don't hit the sides of the chair in the beauty shop.
  81. so I can walk up a hill and not have to stop to catch my breath.
  82. so my heel spur can heal.
  83. so my hip joints stop hurting and don't need to be replaced.
  84. to be able to shop in River Island if I wanted to..... (need to win the lottery as well!!)
  85. Be able to walk my dogs for longer than 20 mins with out gasping for breath!
  86. Feel good about the way I look instead of trying to hide the way I look.....
  87. To be able to choose clothes from what I like, instead of what I can fit into.
  88. To be able to sleep on my front again without getting vertigo...
  89. To be able to cope with living in a house with 3 flights of stairs without permanently being sweaty and out of breath.
  90. To be able to think about having another baby in terms of time, living space and money instead of in terms of health risk.
  91. To know that if I was in danger, I'd be able to run away.
  92. I want to get pregnant in about 6 months or so and I am trying to lose to gain
  93. I want to lose weight for my appearance and health.
  94. I don't want my kids to be embarassed by their overweight mom
  95. I am tired of hiding in the back because of being afraid of what others think
  96. I want to be able to keep upw ith my kids and have fun with them in physical activities
  97. I want to show my kids what it's like to be healthy and make healthy choices
  98. I want to feel sexy again although I know my hubby thinks I already am
  99. I want to be able to look at photos of me and not think negatively all the time
  100. I want to look good.
  101. I want to fit in my old clothes.
  102. I want that sexy black velvet dress for my X'mas party... ;-)
  103. I want to be healthier
  104. I want my husband to be proud of how I look
  105. I don't want to be embarrassed by my mirror image anymore
  106. I want to fit into a size 2 jeans and finally...
  107. I want to wear hip huggers damn it! I'm 20 years old! I want to dress like it!

100 Reasons to Lose 50 Pounds or More

Reasons to be at Goal Weight

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